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Expanding the IPS approach to populations with conditions and disorders other than serious mental illness


March 10, 2020

A systematic review of studies of individual placement and support (IPS) for populations other than those with serious mental illness was conducted.

Eligibility criteria for the systematic review included randomised controlled trials with prospective data collection on competitive employment rates and at least 10 study participants from a well-defined population other than people with serious mental illness. Results were compiled for competitive employment rates, IPS fidelity, and other outcomes.

Three clinical groups other than people with serious mental illness have been studied: people with psychiatric disorders other than serious mental illness, people with substance use disorders, and people with musculoskeletal or neurological disorders.

Key highlights:

  • Individual placement and support (IPS), an evidence-based practice for people with serious mental illness, is being offered to other disability groups.
  • Preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of IPS for other groups is encouraging.
  • IPS should be offered to veterans with PTSD.
  • Recent IPS studies illustrate the strategy of expanding evidence-based practices to new populations.

The research found that IPS, often with modifications, is a promising employment intervention for several populations in addition to people with serious mental illnesses.


Gary R. Bond, Ph.D., Robert E. Drake, M.D., Ph.D., Jacqueline A. Pogue, M.A. (2019). Expanding Individual Placement and Support to Populations With Conditions and Disorders Other Than Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services.

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