Highlights from 2023
Employment support is a core part of a modern mental health and addiction system.
We value our working relationships with operational leaders, funders and planners, service providers and non-governmental organisations who believe in employment as a health intervention and the transformation that it can bring.
Work Counts acknowledges the Wise Group, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Development. We could not achieve what we do, without your support.
Practical implementation support
- E Ara E (Odyssey), Auckland
- Ember, Auckland
- Emerge Aotearoa, Auckland
- Mahitahi Trust, Auckland
- Ministry of Social Development
- Take Charge (Odyssey), Christchurch
- Te Ara Mahi, Nelson
- Te Whatu Ora Hawke’s Bay and Northland
- Workwise, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Waikato, Wellington, Whanganui.
Training and Fidelity Reviews
0 Trainings delivered
0 Attendees
0 Students assessed
0 Fidelity Reviews and Self-assessments
Sector activity and initiatives in 2023
- Coordination of IPS Employment Support National Steering Group
- Participation and collaboration with the International IPS Learning Community
- Collaboration to form a new Asia-Pacific IPS Learning Community
- Partnership with Te Pou and Synergia to support the Tōkeke research project
- Briefing paper “Employment support is a core component of a contemporary mental health and addiction system” (February 2023)
- Attendance at IPS International Learning Community Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (May 2023)
- Work Counts Chief Executive Warren Elwin awarded International IPS Learning Community’s 2023 Rick Martinez Leadership Award (May 2023)
- First meeting of Asia-Pacific IPS Learning Community (November 2023)
It’s about finding out what that person's strengths are and reminding them what they’re good at. Because, they’ve been reminded so much what they [fail] at…. And just instilling that faith in them again to believe in themselves.
- Clinican
The intensity of this model really sets it apart. It’s a collaborative, community endeavour that achieves great results.
- Ian McKenzie, General Manager – Mental Health and Addiction Services, Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau
To ensure employment is a priority for people who access mental health services, you need a plan that engages everyone right across the health system.
- Jane Kinsey, General Manager Mental Health, Addictions and Disability Support Services, Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough