Having a paid job can really help to improve your health and overall wellbeing. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a proven employment support approach that helps people find and keep jobs, while also receiving mental health treatment and support.

Why is IPS so effective?
Designed to break down barriers and revolutionise the way we connect people with work, IPS employment support is a proven methodology that prioritises a person’s unique goals, aspirations, and abilities alongside mental health support.
It’s about finding out what that person's strengths are and reminding them what they’re good at. Because, they’ve been reminded so much what they [fail] at…. And just instilling that faith in them again to believe in themselves.
- Clinican
My employment consultant is reaching for the sky for me. It gives me some uplifting hope. Because somebody else is there fighting for me. I’m not alone. The expectations that she’s got for me outweigh mine, but it uplifts me. So, it makes me want to try.
- Dobby, job seeker
So engaging and great how you could put the skills discussed in the morning into practice in the afternoon.
- Training participant (Three Cups of Tea)
In following people for 30 years in dozens of research studies, it’s totally clear to me that there’s nothing that helps people to recover in the same way that supported employment does.
- Robert Drake, M.D., Ph.D.
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